Go Climate Positive: Because Being Neutral Is Not Enough


Seminar: May 19th 2021


As the number of companies promising to go net-zero is growing fast, we must ask ourselves: is this enough? The science says it is not.

The time for setting future targets is over and the need for climate action is here and now. Watch this digital seminar to hear from the CLIPOP network discussing issues such as:

How does CLIPOP define climate positive?
How does being climate positive work for businesses?
Will there be a climate positive ISO standard and what will it look like?

MAX Burgers received the UN Global Climate Action award in 2019 for going climate positive. Today, 11 more businesses have followed suit and become climate positive according to CLIPOP’s criteria. There is still a huge opportunity for companies to show leadership by becoming the first in their industry to go climate positive.

To accelerate your climate action and hear more about how climate positivity can benefit your company, click play on the video below.

For more details on our speakers and CLIPOP’s newest members, please click here


Klimatpositivt i Sverige

 Seminarium: November 27th 2020


  • Världen förändras: Hur kan klimatpositiv påverka affärerna?

  • Vägval klimat: Guidning bland begreppen klimatneutral, net zero, klimatpositiv. På vilket sätt är klimatpositiv en transformativ handling?

  • Standard för klimatpositiv: När kommer en global standard för klimatpositiv? Uppdatering från ISO och ICC.

  • Konsumenternas bild: Hur uppfattas klimatpositiv på marknaden? Färska undersökningar från Novus och SIFO.

  • Vd-panel modererad av Kaj Török, MAX.



Emmy Tollin, Hållbarhetsutvecklare, GodEl
Peter Wrenfelt, Grundare och konsult, U&We Hållbarhetsutvecklare, GodEl
Johanna Grant, Klimatstrateg, ZeroMission (moderator)
Kaj Török, Hållbarhetschef, Max Burgers
Claire Wigg, Vd ZeroMission

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